Happy New Year

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – 26 January 2025

“Today this scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.”

Pope Francis instituted the Sunday of the Word of God to be celebrated each year on the third Sunday in Ordinary Time. Today, we join the whole world in celebrating the gift of God’s Word, the Sacred Scripture. We reflect deeply on our engagement with the Sacred Scriptures and, hopefully, rediscover how the Word of God becomes flesh in our day-to-day lives.

The first reading, from the book of Nehemiah, narrates the priest Ezra reading the Word of God to the Jews from daybreak till midday and they all listened attentively. These are the people who lost their connection to the faith because they had been exiled during the Babylonian Captivity. Imagine how the Word of God truly touched them. They were shouting “Amen, amen,” bowing down and prostrating themselves before the Lord. They were weeping. And Ezra reminded them not to be sad but instead, they must celebrate for rejoicing in the Lord must be their strength.

St Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians spoke about the Mystical Body of Christ. Though It has many parts, through Baptism, all parts are one body. The variety of gifts does not undermine the unity, but rather, all contribute to build up and enrich the Body of Christ. It is very absurd when their interest in the Sacred Scriptures divides people. What is supposed to unite all, for there is only one Truth, becomes an instrument that some people use to isolate themselves from others, thinking that they possess the monopoly of truths. True unity is a sure sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit.

In the Gospel, after reading the passage from the prophet Isaiah about the coming Messiah, Jesus declares that He is the One on whom the Spirit of the Lord rests. He is the Anointed One. He fulfills all prophecies as they hear Him read and preach. How blessed are those people who heard and witnessed it all. If we will listen attentively and take to heart the Scriptures being proclaimed and preached to us, we will be like those people during the time of the priest and prophet Ezra who were so deeply touched by God’s Word. And like those people during the time of Jesus, we will hear Him proclaim to us the Good News and we will truly be joyful. Each time we take the Word of God seriously and act on it, the Scripture passage is fulfilled in our hearing.


Fr Gilbert Ramos

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