The Third Sunday of Advent is also called Gaudete Sunday, the Sunday of rejoicing. It came from the first word of the Entrance Antiphon in the Latin Missal that says, “Gaudete in Domino semper,” translated as “Rejoice in the Lord always.” As we draw closer to Christmas, the liturgy invites us to cry out to God with joy and gladness. We should rejoice because our salvation is at hand. As we make time for external preparations, we do also our best to be spiritually prepared.
The first reading from the book of the prophet Zephaniah clearly sets the mood and theme of our celebration. “Shout for joy, O daughter of Sion! Sing joyfully, O Israel! Be glad and exult with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.” Joy and gladness come from knowing that God is in their midst. The Lord has forgiven their sins. He has come to save His people. And He is happy to renew His love for them.
St Paul spoke similarly in his letter to the Philippians, assuring them of God’s nearness. He encouraged them to intensify their kindness and to approach God with great confidence when they pray. He wrote this while he was in prison undergoing hardships. He testified to the fact that Christian life is not without trials and hardships. But all these will lead to true peace.
In the gospel, John the Baptist became like a concierge or a customer service representative, answering the people’s queries and giving them direction where to go and what to do. His response is practical but very challenging. It is a call to simplicity and contentment, to be just and to love our neighbor. Easier said than done, but not impossible.
This Advent season, we heed John the Baptist’s challenge of translating renewal into concrete deeds. We strive to be kind, honest, and truthful in our day-to-day living. Let us do it intentionally and wholeheartedly and not as an obligation. When we do it freely, it will never be a burden but a source of joy. Let us light the third candle in our wreath, the candle of joy, and let its light permeate our hearts and the whole world.
Fr Gilbert