Support for Lent Appeal is an ‘act of generosity’
A statement from the Catholic Bishops of Aotearoa New Zealand
Every year in this sacred time, the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference asks Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand to run a six-week fundraising campaign on their behalf called the Bishops’ Lent Appeal.
The money raised during this time is essential to the mission of Caritas. It provides much of the funding necessary for them to continue their life-changing work in Aotearoa, the Pacific and beyond.
This year’s appeal is even more urgent than usual. The US government recently stopped almost all foreign aid. France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany and the UK have also cut their overseas development aid budgets. These decisions will cause significant suffering for those facing poverty, conflict, disasters and the effects of climate change. Your support is needed so Caritas can step in across the Pacific as donor governments withdraw.
Every year, individuals and parishes across New Zealand demonstrate great generosity by donating to this appeal. We hope that this will continue for this Lenten season.
The theme for the Lent appeal in 2025 is Restoring hope: Your compassion in action / Kia puawai te Tūmanako. Caritas’ mission, as the Catholic agency for justice, peace and development, is of vital importance to us all. The Bishops’ Lent Appeal is the best way to directly fund Caritas’ work – supporting vulnerable communities around the world.
For the Catholic community, Caritas is how we help our brothers and sisters in need, upholding their human dignity through local partnerships grounded in Catholic social teaching.
Over the last few years there has been a drop in giving to Caritas, putting pressure on their ability to fund the programmes that serve those most in need. We ask that during this time of preparation, prayer and almsgiving, you make a special donation to the Bishops’ Lent Appeal 2025 at or by using the envelopes provided at Mass.
This act of almsgiving is an act of generosity. It will mean so much to the people Caritas serves across our region.
In Christ,
✠ Stephen Lowe, Bishop of Auckland
✠ Richard Laurenson, Bishop of Hamilton
✠ John Adams, Bishop of Palmerston North
✠ Paul Martin SM, Archbishop of Wellington
✠ Michael Gielen, Bishop of Christchurch
✠ Michael Dooley, Bishop of Dunedin