bread and fish

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – 28 July 2024

The Gospel this week presents John’s version of the miraculous feeding of the five thousand, a narrative rich in spiritual significance and profound teachings. This passage not only portrays Jesus’ divine power but also underscores essential aspects of his ministry and the nature of faith.

The story begins with Jesus encountering a large crowd following him to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. Recognizing their physical need for sustenance, Jesus initiates a test for his disciples by asking Philip where they could buy bread to feed the multitude. Philip’s response reveals a limited perspective, focusing solely on the practical impossibility of such a feat given the size of the crowd and the available resources. Andrew, another disciple, brings a boy forward with five barley loaves and two fish, but he, too, questions the insufficiency of these provisions in the face of such a great need.

Jesus responds by performing a miraculous multiplication of the loaves and fish, feeding the entire multitude with an abundance of food, with twelve baskets of leftovers collected afterward. This extraordinary event demonstrates Jesus’ power over the material world, foreshadowing the spiritual nourishment he provides to those who believe in him. It also echoes the provision of manna to the Israelites in the wilderness, emphasizing Jesus as the fulfilment of God’s promises and the embodiment of divine sustenance.

Furthermore, the passage highlights themes of faith and discipleship. Jesus’ question to Philip serves as a test of faith, challenging his disciples to trust in divine providence rather than relying solely on human understanding and resources. The response of the boy, offering his meagre provisions without hesitation, contrasts with the doubt of the disciples, illustrating the simplicity and sincerity of childlike faith.

Moreover, the role of the disciples in distributing the food underscores their participation in Jesus’ ministry of compassion and service. As they obediently follow Jesus’ instructions, they become conduits of his grace, witnessing firsthand the miraculous power of God at work in their midst.

John’s Gospel presents a compelling narrative of Jesus’ miraculous feeding of the five thousand, conveying profound spiritual truths about his identity as the bread of life, the significance of faith, and the call to discipleship. Through this miraculous sign, Jesus reveals himself as the source of true nourishment for both body and soul, inviting all who believe in him to partake of the abundant life he offers.

Fr Stephen Berecz

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