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The Most Holy Trinity Sunday – 26 May 2024

Celebrating the Mystery of God – TRINITY

The Solemnity of Trinity that we celebrate today is the centre of the mystery of God in his everlasting love and fidelity. We celebrate today God’s closeness to us – God is Three Persons in His way of acting – but remains ONE in His love for us!

God’s love overpowered our infidelity. God’s love survived the death of Jesus and sent the Holy Spirit so that we share in the very life and love of God. Today’s solemnity, in honoring the Trinity, celebrates the ‘stubbornness of God’s extravagant love’ for our world and church.

The Trinity is not about wrong mathematics 1+1+1 = 1, it is more about the ‘mystery’ of God and the ‘Power of One’. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all three persons reveal the fullness of the unity of God’s love. By ‘mystery’ we simple mean that we can never say the final word about God. A mystery, by definition, is something that cannot be defined or affirmed. There is always ‘more’ to know, share and experience God’s love. In the person of Jesus, this ‘mystery’ of God is given a face, a voice, and a tangible language of life and love. Through Jesus, God becomes reachable. Jesus draws us into the communion of the Holy Trinity. Through Jesus, God and humanity meet.

St. Thomas Aquinas was right when he declared that in trying to define God we suffer from the ‘misery of language’. God can be experienced only in the language of love – in creating, redeeming and sanctifying. None of the Trinity ever tires of loving the world and you!

In his fabulous book, Contemplating the Trinity, Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa OFM, the papal preacher, says, “Every Christian presentation about God should have a ‘Trinitarian’ character; in this regard there is still much to be done.” Pope Francis continues, “celebrating the Holy Trinity is not so much a theological exercise, but a revolution in our way of life.” He adds, “Every day in all that we are and do, we are called to be reflections of the Triune God – gifts of Love to one another!”

We daily sign ourselves in the powerful name of the Trinity – Father, Son and Spirit. In his letters, St Paul always greeted his people in these words; “The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all!” The main altar in the Cathedral is dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It is a daily reminder of God’s extravagant love for you.

Fr Glenford Lowe      

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