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Sixth Sunday of Easter – 5 May 2024

John’s Gospel unveils a tapestry of profound spiritual truths woven through the imagery of the vine and the branches. Here, the intimate union symbolized by this imagery transcends mere connection; it embodies a bond of love that should unify the disciples of Christ.

At the core of this passage lies Christ’s boundless affection for his disciples—a friendship that defies human limitations. As Jesus invites his followers to abide in his love, he unveils a love modelled on that of the Father. This divine love, characterized by its selflessness and depth, serves as the blueprint for the disciples’ relationships with both Christ and one another.

Abiding in Christ’s love is not merely a passive state but an active commitment to living in alignment with the divine will. Just as Christ obediently followed the commandments of the Father, so too should his disciples adhere to his teachings. This fidelity in abiding in the divine life and under divine care mirrors the Son’s own obedience to the Father’s will.

Moreover, when Jesus declares, “You are my friends,” he unveils the unparalleled depth of his love for his disciples. This proclamation transcends mere friendship; it embodies a love so profound that it surpasses all other forms of affection. In essence, Jesus communicates that nobody possesses a greater love than the love he has for his disciples.

Embedded within this passage is the call for disciples to bear fruit through their union with Christ. Just as branches draw sustenance from the vine, disciples find spiritual nourishment and vitality in their relationship with Christ. This fruitful union, directed towards glorifying God, underscores the transformative power of divine love in the lives of believers.

Today’s Gospel unveils the depth of Christ’s love for his disciples—a love that transcends human understanding. Through the imagery of the vine and the branches, Jesus invites his followers into a union marked by love, fidelity, and fruitful obedience.

Fr Stephen Berecz

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