“Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” Mother Teresa
The gospel of today is once again a hard-hitting episode that takes place in the Temple. The scribes and Pharisee embodied a religious elite that were fashioned for hypocrisy. They were dressed in long robes, loved being greeted respectfully in public places, and sat in places of honour in synagogues and banquets. Their holier-than-thou attitude was often condemned by Jesus. They were people-pleasers, and ego-centric. Their prayer was ritualistic and superficial. The Temple became a place for business. God was a commodity that could be bought with a ritual fee.
On the other hand, the Temple is also a place for authenticity. Many pilgrims came to encounter God, to find peace, solace and true forgiveness. The presence of the poor widow cannot be ignored. God’s preferential love is so personal that the Lord himself executes justice for the widows, the orphans, and the stranger providing for them food and clothing (Deut10:18). There were thirteen ‘trumpet shaped’ boxes to collect Temple tax from Jewish males. Other boxes were placed in the Court of the Women to collect freewill offerings. While the rich literally trumpeted their generous contribution, Jesus singled out the poor widow for her generosity. Two small coins the worth of a penny (approximately 1/16th of a day’s wage) was all that she could live on. She gave it all generously to the treasury. God considered her gift more noble and valuable than that of the rich.
The Temple frauds abused their religious status by devouring the property of widows. The gospel challenges us to give with love. Donating from our abundance to seek public approval is no gift at all. Its LOVE that qualifies the gift and the giver! In God’s economy, the poor widow’s offering was more than all the other contributions put together. She was authentic in her giving.
The reckless generosity of the widow in the Temple foretells the generosity of another widow Mary who gave her only son Jesus on Calvary! The greatest offering given generously in LOVE.
Fr Glenford Lowe